Okay now we will membahan memory structure, here are explained on the objectives and measures conversion of logical addresses into physical addresses, meaning, function and other types of registers, such as general purpose registers, and status registers
A register is a temporary shelter for the data- data will be processed by the processor, and is formed by a 16 point electronic in the microprocessor chip itself. With the existence of places This temporary data storage, processing will be done is much faster than if the data should be taken directly from the memory locations. The Register-registe the internal registers and registers consist of fourteen andwhole can be divided into several types, namely:
• Register segment
Consists of four registers, the code segment, data segment, stack segment, and the extra segment. Segment is part of the memory space berkapa-sitas 64 kilobytes (65536 bytes) and is used specifically for
placing certain types of data. For example, code segment is used by the program and instructions (code), the data segment is allocated for data, stack segment is used to provide space for stack, which serves for temporary storage of data and address the when the main program is working on branching program (subroutine procedures, etc.) and the extra segment as well as data segment is also used as data placement.
• Register data
Register there is a register that contains information that would, were or has been processed by computer. In the 8088 register is realized by AX, BX, CX and BX (as a general-purpose registers), in connection with
functions in addition to handling specific tasks, can also be utilize right to assist the processes of data in the internal pengolahand micro- processor.
• Register pointer
• Register index
Register kind of pointer and index registers are registers which contains the address offset of certain segments, which consisn from the stack pointer (SP) and base pointer (BP) is used as holder of an offset value of the stack segment, while the source index (SI and destination index (DI) contains the offset value of the data segment. Instruction pointer (IP) is the holder of an offset value of the code segment and its function is similar to the program counter (PC) on the processor- 8-bit processors. Only difference, the program counter directly put address there are instructions in memory with their own value, the IP must working with CS register to be able to form addressing 20 bit in format segment: offset.
• Register status
This register has a different structure with the registers other, which is formed from a 16-bit registers, each of which bitnya provide certain information about the circumstances of the occurs on the processor, as a result of data processing. Informatio represented by a bit in status register called 'flag'. Only 9 of the overall 16-bit status register that is used by as a signal processor conditions.
General Purpose registers are versatile, often used for other purposes keperlua-which is not a typical function and to temporarily hold data to be processed, before retrieved and processed by the ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit), although Thus there are certain instructions that require the use of specific registers (according to the actual function), which has 16 bit, and can use the full 16 bits (1 word = 1 word) or 8 bits (1 byte = 1 character) only.
The types of general purpose registers can be explained as follows:
1. AX (16 bits), consisting of AH (high byte / 8 bit), AL (low byte / 8 bit) In particular, the Accumulator and register a versatile functional as input, or accommodate the processes / calculations (add, sub, mul, and div) and often to store data temporarily. Many instructions its performance is optimized when operating in the register accumulator. Operation of the data stored in the accumulator bit faster than if the data is stored in another register. In the operation division, if the amount of 16-bit divisor, divide any number accommodated in the register pair DX: AX. After sharing the results fit in AX is remainder in DX. When the amount of 8-bit divisor, divide any number placed in AX. After division, the quotient is placed in the rest of the AL for the AH. In the operation of multiplication, accumulator which will accommodate a number multiplied by- right. Multiplication result is placed in register AX. In the operation of I / O to and from the port, accumulator holds the data to be transferred.
2. BX (16 bit), consisting of the BH (high byte.bit), AL (low byte / 8 bit) Base specifically as well as a versatile and registers one of the two base register addressing mode (pointer base address), who can take or write directly from / to memory by segment DS (Data Segment) and can be used as a pointer to a base such data.
3. CX (16 bit), consisting of CH (high byte.bit), CL (low byte / 8 bit) Specifically as a counter to put the number of jumps in LOOP is performed, such as indicator of how much computation performed. Serves to accommodate a loop count operation (Loop, string, shift, and rotate). These registers can be used as temporary data storage.
4. DX (16 bit), consisting of the DH (high byte.bit), DL (low byte / 8 bit) Specifically as well as data registers versatile used as a container for a particular data (characters, pointers, determination of the disk). 4 main tasks of the register DX:
• Mmbantu AX in the process of multiplication and division, especially the multiplicatio and the division of 16 bits
• DX is offset from the DS register
• Shows the port number in port operations
• Used as a container for temporary data. Used in pairs with AX register, the operation of 16-bit multiplication and division. In the operation I / O to and from the port, the port will accommodate DX accessible.
AX / BX / CX / DX
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
AH / BH / CH / DH AL / BL / CL / DL
Of the functions of registers AX, BX, CX, DX registers can be classified as 'Data' because of the usefulness and utilization data that tend to shelter, in addition to having a specific function but can be mutually dependent.
Not have a job, but is useful for programming at the time operations to another segment. The value contained by the register This is an address that is useful for string instructions. Address of an additional segment can also be stored in registers This ES. 80386 processor in addition to the ES, it still has 2 extra registers segment, the FS and GS.
2. CS (Code Segment)
Which points to the segment is the segment register, the CS is. one of the four segment registers. His job is to show program segment is located. While this register is the register pair IP. Hold the value which is the initial address of a segment. This segment contains the instructions and the operand-operand-dispesi repairs was identified by the program.
3. DS (Data Segment)
Accommodated by the value of this register is the address of the segment which normally contains data allocated by the program
4. SS (Stack Segment)
Address in the register is useful for instruction which stores data temporarily distack. Stack is an area memory reserved for temporary data storage. DS and SS segment registers are two, each of which has segment of the task indicates data segment and stack segment DS is a pair of DX and SS is a partner of SP.
A register is a temporary shelter for the data- data will be processed by the processor, and is formed by a 16 point electronic in the microprocessor chip itself. With the existence of places This temporary data storage, processing will be done is much faster than if the data should be taken directly from the memory locations. The Register-registe the internal registers and registers consist of fourteen andwhole can be divided into several types, namely:
• Register segment
Consists of four registers, the code segment, data segment, stack segment, and the extra segment. Segment is part of the memory space berkapa-sitas 64 kilobytes (65536 bytes) and is used specifically for
placing certain types of data. For example, code segment is used by the program and instructions (code), the data segment is allocated for data, stack segment is used to provide space for stack, which serves for temporary storage of data and address the when the main program is working on branching program (subroutine procedures, etc.) and the extra segment as well as data segment is also used as data placement.
• Register data
Register there is a register that contains information that would, were or has been processed by computer. In the 8088 register is realized by AX, BX, CX and BX (as a general-purpose registers), in connection with
functions in addition to handling specific tasks, can also be utilize right to assist the processes of data in the internal pengolahand micro- processor.
• Register pointer
• Register index
Register kind of pointer and index registers are registers which contains the address offset of certain segments, which consisn from the stack pointer (SP) and base pointer (BP) is used as holder of an offset value of the stack segment, while the source index (SI and destination index (DI) contains the offset value of the data segment. Instruction pointer (IP) is the holder of an offset value of the code segment and its function is similar to the program counter (PC) on the processor- 8-bit processors. Only difference, the program counter directly put address there are instructions in memory with their own value, the IP must working with CS register to be able to form addressing 20 bit in format segment: offset.
• Register status
This register has a different structure with the registers other, which is formed from a 16-bit registers, each of which bitnya provide certain information about the circumstances of the occurs on the processor, as a result of data processing. Informatio represented by a bit in status register called 'flag'. Only 9 of the overall 16-bit status register that is used by as a signal processor conditions.
General Purpose registers are versatile, often used for other purposes keperlua-which is not a typical function and to temporarily hold data to be processed, before retrieved and processed by the ALU (Arithmetic and Logical Unit), although Thus there are certain instructions that require the use of specific registers (according to the actual function), which has 16 bit, and can use the full 16 bits (1 word = 1 word) or 8 bits (1 byte = 1 character) only.
The types of general purpose registers can be explained as follows:
1. AX (16 bits), consisting of AH (high byte / 8 bit), AL (low byte / 8 bit) In particular, the Accumulator and register a versatile functional as input, or accommodate the processes / calculations (add, sub, mul, and div) and often to store data temporarily. Many instructions its performance is optimized when operating in the register accumulator. Operation of the data stored in the accumulator bit faster than if the data is stored in another register. In the operation division, if the amount of 16-bit divisor, divide any number accommodated in the register pair DX: AX. After sharing the results fit in AX is remainder in DX. When the amount of 8-bit divisor, divide any number placed in AX. After division, the quotient is placed in the rest of the AL for the AH. In the operation of multiplication, accumulator which will accommodate a number multiplied by- right. Multiplication result is placed in register AX. In the operation of I / O to and from the port, accumulator holds the data to be transferred.
2. BX (16 bit), consisting of the BH (high byte.bit), AL (low byte / 8 bit) Base specifically as well as a versatile and registers one of the two base register addressing mode (pointer base address), who can take or write directly from / to memory by segment DS (Data Segment) and can be used as a pointer to a base such data.
3. CX (16 bit), consisting of CH (high byte.bit), CL (low byte / 8 bit) Specifically as a counter to put the number of jumps in LOOP is performed, such as indicator of how much computation performed. Serves to accommodate a loop count operation (Loop, string, shift, and rotate). These registers can be used as temporary data storage.
4. DX (16 bit), consisting of the DH (high byte.bit), DL (low byte / 8 bit) Specifically as well as data registers versatile used as a container for a particular data (characters, pointers, determination of the disk). 4 main tasks of the register DX:
• Mmbantu AX in the process of multiplication and division, especially the multiplicatio and the division of 16 bits
• DX is offset from the DS register
• Shows the port number in port operations
• Used as a container for temporary data. Used in pairs with AX register, the operation of 16-bit multiplication and division. In the operation I / O to and from the port, the port will accommodate DX accessible.
AX / BX / CX / DX
15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
AH / BH / CH / DH AL / BL / CL / DL
Of the functions of registers AX, BX, CX, DX registers can be classified as 'Data' because of the usefulness and utilization data that tend to shelter, in addition to having a specific function but can be mutually dependent.
Not have a job, but is useful for programming at the time operations to another segment. The value contained by the register This is an address that is useful for string instructions. Address of an additional segment can also be stored in registers This ES. 80386 processor in addition to the ES, it still has 2 extra registers segment, the FS and GS.
2. CS (Code Segment)
Which points to the segment is the segment register, the CS is. one of the four segment registers. His job is to show program segment is located. While this register is the register pair IP. Hold the value which is the initial address of a segment. This segment contains the instructions and the operand-operand-dispesi repairs was identified by the program.
3. DS (Data Segment)
Accommodated by the value of this register is the address of the segment which normally contains data allocated by the program
4. SS (Stack Segment)
Address in the register is useful for instruction which stores data temporarily distack. Stack is an area memory reserved for temporary data storage. DS and SS segment registers are two, each of which has segment of the task indicates data segment and stack segment DS is a pair of DX and SS is a partner of SP.
Pointer register is a special function to store the offset valueof the relative address. These registers consist of:
1. IP (Instruction Pointer)
CS is a pair that is most important to register demonstrate a command line program. When you first run the program, This register will directly point at the beginning of the program and always contains address of the instruction to be executed immediately. Programmer does not can directly access or modify the IP register. Conversion can only take place through the instructions call, jump, loop and interrupt that automatically changes the values in the IP registers. Combination of CS and IP address show Segment: Offset.
2. SP (Stack Pointer)
1. IP (Instruction Pointer)
CS is a pair that is most important to register demonstrate a command line program. When you first run the program, This register will directly point at the beginning of the program and always contains address of the instruction to be executed immediately. Programmer does not can directly access or modify the IP register. Conversion can only take place through the instructions call, jump, loop and interrupt that automatically changes the values in the IP registers. Combination of CS and IP address show Segment: Offset.
2. SP (Stack Pointer)
CS is a pair, then the SP is a used pair SS for stack operations. Contains data which is the current location address present in the stack. This register is a register multi-functional technical which can be used as data storage and a place calculations, although day-to-day operations should be used only in the stack.
3. BP (Base Pointer)
3. BP (Base Pointer)
To write and read to or from memory directly to the segment SS (Stack Segment) and used in communication between languages computers, such as Pascal with assembler or C language with the language Assembler Although used as a container for temporary data frequently stack frame base pointer is used.
Registers used to perform string operations and frequently used to write and read to or from memory as well as the BX and BP (Base Pointer), which consists of registers:
A. SI (Source Index)
Used as a pointer or a place to store data. Registerini often used as a pointer to point to an item (indexing) in the single unit data. String operations, SI is used to point to byte or word in a source string.
B. DI (Destination Index)
Used as a pointer or data storage. Often used as a pointer to point to an item (indexing) in one data unit. String operations, DI used to point to the byte or word in a destination string. Is a composition of 16-bit registers, wherein the composition bitnya check whether something works or not. Is a 16 bit register the bit-bitnya control a variety of instruction and reflect the status processor at the time. For the actual real mode there are 9 flags, for 80 286 protected mode there are 11 flags, and to 80 386 to 13 flags. For example, the Interrupt Flag to check whether at the time of surgery Interrupt is active or not, if not actively interrupt will not be executed. Carry Flag to check whether an error occurred during surgery or not, Sign Flag indicating whether a number is marked or not and so on.
Composition of 16 bit (flag bits)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF
Used as a pointer or data storage. Often used as a pointer to point to an item (indexing) in one data unit. String operations, DI used to point to the byte or word in a destination string. Is a composition of 16-bit registers, wherein the composition bitnya check whether something works or not. Is a 16 bit register the bit-bitnya control a variety of instruction and reflect the status processor at the time. For the actual real mode there are 9 flags, for 80 286 protected mode there are 11 flags, and to 80 386 to 13 flags. For example, the Interrupt Flag to check whether at the time of surgery Interrupt is active or not, if not actively interrupt will not be executed. Carry Flag to check whether an error occurred during surgery or not, Sign Flag indicating whether a number is marked or not and so on.
Composition of 16 bit (flag bits)
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0OF DF IF TF SF ZF AF
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