First thing to do is run the nessus
1. open a terminal and type this command
root@bt:~# /etc/init.d/nessusd start
2. open your browser after it write localhost: 8834
This is the preview image to open:
This is the preview image to open:
4. after that wait and enter usernamenya and alsopasswornya. this drawing.
after you click add, we are asked to put name,(name your sterserah) and this picture
name: fitri (for example) and enter the target IPthat we want. The next type in the IP that
we were going terscan automatically. picture will emerge after this scan. to find
outwhere the irreproachable disutu pick.
you please go through theapps Backtrack
1. Select Explotation Tools
2. The next Select Open Source Explotation
3. The next Select Exploit-DB
4. The next Select Exploitdb search
After you open exploitdb search, and this samplepicture
5. next you can type. / smb searchsploit, after youtype the above command will show a picture
6. didalm command. / smb searchsploit,possessed many Silah command will read and follow
the commands in the command with a command yangmkita can also make.
Good luck hopefully get a new experience amen
vulnerbility assegment using nessus? where is your VA?
BalasHapusIt just how to use a nessus, please post all of what had you do. What is the information which will we get with nessus.
And where the exploitation? It just the way how to access the exploit-repository.