Rabu, 25 Januari 2012


To see the IP address we use Ifconig / dhclienteth0
first thing I do with the informationmengunankan getring

  1. Network analisis
  2. network scening   
    Network scening which is used to see how much information is online or using the same.
    2. Figure 2 shows the local Network continue byclicking the forward
    3. Continue with the forwardonly.
    4. Click forward it to continue
    5. This is the result of Outoscan he immediatelyread all of who are online with the samenetwork yan.
    6. I tried to click the IP address of192.168.0.21It turns out I get.
    I will try to see the IP address of a penguna192.186.0.21of these I get an IP address is as shown below.

    2. I will try to click next ..... if that happens.
    3. In this pWnOs we provided the place name,and I will try to put my name try my own name.
    4. the result is

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